Term 4 2024 - Teachers / Health Professionals
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Dear *|FNAME|*,

Term 4 school holidays are fast approaching! End-of-school celebrations are already starting for many students, with many young people looking forward to parties with friends and other social events now that the end-of-year break is just around the corner!

In this newsletter, we'll provide trusted resources to assist you in guiding young people on making informed choices to stay safe and have fun, while minimising alcohol and other drug-related risks.

You'll also find information on what makes school-based drug prevention programs effective, as well as recommended programs that you should consider implementing for the 2025 school year ahead!

To access our other evidence-based resources for teachers, educators and health professionals interested in drug prevention, check out our "Teachers & Schools" page on the Positive Choices website by clicking the link below:
Teachers and school staff: we need your feedback to help improve Positive ChoicesTell us what resources you find most useful, what could be improved, and what you want to see more of.

We're looking for
Australian teachers and school staff to complete an online survey about our online evidence-based Australian drug education portal, Positive Choices (positivechoices.org.au).

The survey will take between 20-30 minutes and for participating,
you’ll receive a $20 Prezzee gift voucher! Your input will help us provide more relevant and trustworthy resources, so that you can deliver more effective drug education for your students.

To access the survey, please click the link below:

Factsheet: Ketamine

Ketamine is used medically as an anaesthetic, and trials have been performed using it as a treatment for depression. Others use it illegally to get high. So what is ketamine? And what are its immediate and long terms effects? Click here to learn more.

Recommended Program: Preventure

PreVenture is a school-based intervention which aims to reduce drug and alcohol use, while also improving student emotional wellbeing. If you're a teacher or school staff member interested in learning more about the program, click here.

School-based drug prevention: What works?

When selecting resources or programs for drug and alcohol prevention, it's important to consider whether they are informed or supported by evidence. This factsheet provides an overview of what the current evidence tells us about what works and what doesn't.

Missed our webinar on vaping and smoking resources for Aboriginal young people?

Access the full recording + slides to learn how researchers at The Matilda Centre co-designed animations and factsheets with Aboriginal young people, as well as strategies to incorporate youth voices in health resources.
Have you heard of Strong & Deadly Futures? It's a school-based alcohol and drug prevention program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students that is culturally inclusive, incorporates cultural strengths, and focuses on empowerment of the students. Strong & Deadly Futures is being trialled in schools across Australia and is currently taking EOIs for Early Access available from Term 1, 2025. To register your school's interest, click here.
Last week, Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler MP announced that the Australian Government will be funding a nationwide rollout of the OurFutures Vaping program. The program uses a harm minimisation and social influence approach that empowers young people to avoid vaping. To register your school's interest, click here.
Based on an Australian survey of over 5,000 young people, a recent study led by researchers at The Matilda Centre has revealed a link between depression and e-cigarette use. The results highlight the need for early interventions that target both vaping & mental health issues among adolescents. Read more.
A Matilda Centre-led systematic review found that while school-based interventions targeting e-cigarette use among adolescents can produce positive effects, some can negatively impact students. The findings demonstrate that schools should be supported to identify and adopt evidence-based programs.
A new study has revealed an increase in heavy drinking (6+ drinks per one occasion) and cannabis use among Australian Year 12 students in 2020, when compared to their previous Year 11 experiences and pre-COVID Year 12 cohort in 2019. The findings suggest that these changes may be attributed to a combination of increased age and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of this e-newsletter is to provide our subscribers with information about drug prevention resources, and to share relevant news and events.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this newsletter to teachers and educators within your networks, as well as health professionals interested in drug prevention for young people, and encourage them to subscribe here.
Copyright © 2025 Positive Choices, All rights reserved.

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The Positive Choices newsletter is sent out once every term, and contains updates and information relating to the Positive Choices website. Recently published newsletters will take 48 hours to be listed on this page.